Mini Adventure (Part Two)
(Joseph & Micca)
written by Corrie
A while back, the author received a request to write about Joseph playing with Micca’s hair.? Well, here we go…J !?

"This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. The Lord is God, and he has made his light shine upon us. Give thanks to the Lord for he good; his love endures forever"

(Psalms 118: 24, 27, 29 )

What a glorious day! The birds were chirping, The sky was changing from a dreary gray to a beautiful, bright blue… Rain drops left on the ground, made the grass sparkle. The Sun was shining, gradually warming the Earth with its light and heat…

Micca and Joseph meandered along the winding path upward… Then Joseph dismounted from the horse and guided it over the steepest section of the path. Micca looked beautiful, her hair spilled down all around her. Sunlight danced through each strand, bringing out the lovely highlights in her hair… The sight brought a smile to Joseph’s face.

Finally the couple reached the grove.. It was an incredibly beautiful place, a safe place. Peach blossoms and Dogwood blossoms were every where… A brook ran through the middle of the grove. Joseph led the stallion through the undergrowth towards a clear section.

"Micca, I’m truly sorry I’ve been gone so much I’ve *missed* you.. Next to God, you are the first thing on my mind in the morning and the last thing on my mind at night.. I miss looking into your eyes, seeing your smile, hearing your voice, stroking your hair, being inside of you.

A few days ago you asked me if I knew where your hair ribbon was. Yes, I know where it got to. I should have told you sooner; it’s been in my pocket this whole time. Keeping it there, helped me feel closer to you.. I love you…" Joseph’s voice trailed off…

Micca looked at her husband slightly dumbfounded… She threw her arms around him delighted. Then Joseph picked his bride up, and sat her down on the thick picnic blanket he’d brought. "What are you doing?" She asked him wide eyed

Joseph just grinned, as he went over to his saddle bag and pulled out a sac with Micca’s brush, and a bottle of sweet almond oil and a bottle of jojoba oil.

Then he returned to where his bride was sitting. He put the sac down. Then he lowered himself onto the blanket and placed Micca on his lap. Opening the contents of the bag, he put a few drops of the jojoba oil and sweet almond oil on his fingers. Carefully he worked his fingers through her hair. Starting at the bottom, he gradually worked his way up gently and meticulously untangling each section. Next Joseph got out the brush and began to brush her hair…. 

This Story was written by Corrie. If you like it please send her an email
to encourage her to write more of such lovely stories. Her email is:

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